Clean the sliding surfaces and friction points. Apply this paste with a brush or cloth and rub intensively on the metal surface to form a thin uniform film. Do not use in excess as is customary with greases. Do not mix with other oils or grease
Use in well ventilated areas. Avoid continuous breathing of vapor and spray mist. In closed areas or areas with poor ventilation, use respiratory protection. For complete details on safety, short and long term exposure, refer to this product’s safety data sheet (SDS).
All used and unused product should be disposed of in accordance with state regulations.
Read instructions on the container label of the product before use. The product safety data sheet (SDS) contains the relevant information regarding personal protective equipment, safe use, physical and health hazards. Safety data sheet is available from ASV or your local ASV distributor.
1 kg, 5 kg
60 months from date of manufacture in sealed condition.
The information and data contained in this sheet is accurate to the best of our knowledge or is obtained from sources, tests or experiences believed by us to be reliable and accurate. User is responsible for determining whether recommended ASV product is fit for a particular purpose. All products should be tested for suitability on a particular application prior to actual use. We make no representations of any kind. Data offered without warranty. Product manufactured is for industrial use only.